Sunday, November 24, 2013

UHHH I am awesome.

I auditioned again for an group class instructor position at the gym. This time the audition came out of absolute nowhere, I heard about it last minute, and only had like 2 days to prepare.

Apparently I did a good job because I got hired!!!


More on this later after I teach my first class. Cause it really won't feel real until then.

Monday, November 18, 2013

I love LA!

Reason #2498754 I love where I live. The Runyon Canyon hike. The entrance is located at the intersection of Franklin and Fuller in Hollywood, and the 'hard' train is one heck of a challenge. However, it's short so you don't get bored, and there's plenty of fun people watching.

I heard that someone wants to do some sort of weird construction on there though that would destroy a section of the hike?!?!?! Does anyone know about this??? That would be HORRIBLE.