Sunday, April 28, 2013

TurboKick Certification Training Day!

So, I realize this blog hasn't been here very long, but if you know me at all you know I LOVE Turbokick. It's such a unique cardio kickboxing workout that is set to great music and has awesome moves that make you feel like you're at a party. And it's created by Chalene Johnson WHO I JUST LOVE. More about her in future posts, surely.

So I went and got certified to teach it.

LOL, no I didn't decide on this overnight. I have been thinking about doing this since last September. I noticed that I A. Loved the format, B. Wasn't getting sick of the format after taking it for quite some time, C. I really UNDERSTAND the format as far as how the layers were put together, and strived to get my form better and better with each class, and D. I CAN ACTUALLY DO AND KEEP UP WITH THE CLASS.

That last one is the big one.  Like I said in a previous post I spent my entire childhood and young adult life hating exercise, being uncoordinated, and being frustrated over not being able to keep up with the other kids.  Running, Swimming, even Biking, I could not/still cannot keep up with other people.

But that's distance stuff.  Turbo definitely requires SOME coordination (but not nearly as much as Zumba), and definitely endurance, but I can actually DO it. I was literally shocked when I realized that.   I can't even explain that moment of realization, ahha. I think it was about halfway through my third class. I no longer hated the instructor for telling us to cheer and make noise (love her now by the way. she's my favorite), and I was twisting and turning and kicking and punching right to tempo along with everyone else.

Ok well anyway. On to the certification day. Unfortunately I was having way too much fun to take pictures of the actual class and training, haha. But it was held at the Beachbody Headquarters in Santa Monica which was pretty sweet. I'm a Beachbody Coach so I thought it was cool to see what the actual company office looked like. An employee showed me around during a break in training.

They have motivational posters and advertisements for their programs all over the place.

Imagine driving this thing around all the time.

And I found the famous SHAKEOLOGY WALL. Sorry, I'm a huge dork, but I love Shakeology and I also love visuals so this was pretty cool.

And they also have a kitchen in there. They let us use it. There was Shakeology right there on the counter for us to use. Yummy!! I finally tried the Greenberry flavor, which I really surprisingly liked. It was sweet, yet mild.

Can you believe not everyone has tried the stuff? ;) I whipped up a couple of shakes for a few people at the training who hadn't tried it.

that is MEGA SWEAT hair.

Anyway, the training... was freaking AWESOME. Ever been in a room full of people who are as obsessed with something as you are?? Talk about high energy and fun. We had two awesome Master Trainers teaching us everything about it from basic steps, form and technique, how to connect with your class, and a bunch of other fun stuff. 

Favorite part? When we got into groups to practice and then one person from the group had to get on the microphone and teach a section to the entire room. I volunteered for that, and it was really awkward but really fun!! I definitely need a ton of practice as it's a lot harder than it looks.

Can't wait to find out if I passed training ... I'm sure I did but there's always a slight nervousness, lol. I'm gonna go crazy waiting!! 

In the meantime, I have a TON of fun music and choreography to keep me occupied.

12 rounds!!
And Turbowear.

"keep calm and turbo on." (i hate taking selfies)

I feel accomplished and proud of myself... but it's gonna be even better when I actually get to teach a real class. Stay tuned. :)


  1. I don't think I ever told you I temped at BeachBody when I first moved to LA. I worked in those offices!

    1. Tay!! nope didn't know! What did you do there? That's cool! Did you make shakeology in the kitchens?? lol

    2. Haha I think I tried it once! I was just doing data entry for people becoming BeachBody coaches so entering all their info into the system. Copy paste copy paste type type copy paste...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi , how can I advertise my car like that?
