Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Scale is Not a Measure of Success

The scale.


The thing that causes so many people, especially women, pain and suffering.

WHY? It only tells part of the story. Not even close to all of it.

I used to freak out over the scale. I had to make sure I was wearing the exact same outfit at my time of weigh ins every week to not disturb the number. I would worry about eating small things before stepping on the scale.

I had to get a grip and gain some knowledge.

First of all, your weight fluctuates up to 7 pounds up and down in just one DAY. So getting on the scale multiple times a day is a surefire way to disappoint yourself.

Your weight can also fluctuate based on what types of foods you've consumed. High sodium things may make it go up.

Next, if you are working out a lot, your scale may stay stagnant for awhile. "WHAT?! I thought working out is supposed to help me LOSE weight!" Settle down, it does.  However if you are at the beginning of your journey and have JUST started working out, the scale is probably going to be stuck for awhile. Your body is adjusting to the change. It has no freaking clue what's going on. Let it adjust and be consistent with the workouts.

It also depends on what types of exercise you are doing. Cardio tends to burn a lot of calories and may make the scale go down faster. Weight lifting and strength training may make the scale go up. Why? You are building muscle!! Muscle is heavy! But the great news is, weight lifting is what REALLY causes you to see some major changes in your body. Since muscle takes up LESS ROOM than fat, you will lose inches and appear more toned -- EVEN if the scale still says the same thing.

Another benefit of weight lifting: it revs up your metabolism and you continue to burn extra calories all day long. Those calories will add up! So lift weight, ladies!!! And do lift heavy!! Tiny little barbie weights won't create much change.

I had one friend who "only" lost one pound last month. Yet she lost 11 inches overall. And you can PLAINLY see her progress. This is why the scale shouldn't matter!!!!

If you MUST weigh yourself, it is recommended to only do it once a week around the same time of day. I really only do once a month. Or even less. My clothes are getting looser and everyone keeps telling me I look like I've lost weight. So I must be doing something right!!!

Try not to freak out over gains. Gains happen. Often. Don't use that as an excuse to throw in the towel and decide you're never going to succeed.

Feel free to leave me questions or comments!

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